Since it's only been in the 30's these past few days (and rainy and snowy and sleeting) and we have pretty much forgotten that it's actually springtime, I'm looking at some pictures I took a few weeks back when it wasn't quite yet spring, but in the high 60's. Crazy weather we're having here in Virginia. I hope it warms up in time for Easter. Actually, I'd like it to warm up quicker than that because we have garden work to do! :)
Anyway, in case you have forgotten it's spring too, I'd like to share my pictures with you!
She was quite entertained with this new discovery.
(note to self: the next time its absolutely gorgeous outside and you rush through lunch because you are just dying to get out there, and you notice that your child got food all over her little sweater but you decide you don't mind because you have to get outside RIGHT. THAT. SECOND. don't forget that you will probably end up taking pictures and will later wish you had taken a few minutes to change her sweater. C'mon, Jodi.)
In case you can't tell from the picture, she absolutely loved it. Squishy nose galore!
Squishy nose with her mouth wide open.
The kids LOVE their swing set. It's their favorite place to play outside.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my pictures! Happy spring, everyone!