Wait for it....
And she's off!
See the little #3 running to second base back there?
Then her cousin gets up to bat...
And also makes a hit and gets safely to first base....
as LMC gets to third.
and finally makes it home!
You couldn't wipe the smile off that face if you tried. But who would try? Look how cute she is!
Then her cousin made it home too!
They ended up scoring three runs in that inning, but it was not enough. We lost 3-5. It didn't matter much though. We were too excited about our three runs to care who won!
Wanna guess how proud the coach was? I'll give you a hint. Our regular head coach wasn't there because he had to work. So, Mike was head coach. Now can you guess how proud the coach was?
It was a good game. The boys and I are getting ready to head out to another one right now. I hope they play as well as they did yesterday!
The coach has to work again which puts Mike as the head coach. Then the coach is going on vacation, so Mike will be head again. I'm very happy about this because Mike knows what he's doing. I think he proved that pretty well yesterday. The other guy didn't even make a line-up. He had them bat in order of the number on their jersey. We definitely needed a line-up.
Go team!
*(remember in my last post how I said if she got a run it would really make this dream come true even merrier? Well, it did. It was the cherry on the top. Big smiles over here.)
Yay! I love that you got pictures of every step. What a proud Mommy. And again, what a smile!! This has turned out to be the best thing ever for LMC!