Thursday, August 22, 2013

Home-schooling 2013-2014

My kids are growing so fast! I find it unbelievable that Rose will be going into 5th grade!! I have a 5th grader! Wow. I still feel so new at this whole home-schooling gig, but we have learned so much along the way. I finally feel like I have found our groove, and I am ever more excited about this school year.

Last year was a "survival year" since Marguerite came along in October. I bought a "boxed" curriculum, which I never do, to make it easier on me to teach. But workbooks are so boring! And honestly, I didn't feel like they were learning anything. They would do the work, but it didn't sink in. They still passed their CAT tests, though. :) Anyway, we are all looking forward to a FUN year!

We have a Charlotte Mason inspired home-school. Lots of short lessons, covering an array of subjects. Get them exposed to lots of things so they can find something they're passionate about! :) While covering the basics, of course.
It was really tricky trying to plan this year. Since I had to put so many things on the back burner last year, I was a bit eager to get to those things this year. But I'm afraid I may be a bit too ambitious. Who, me? And the problem when I get too ambitious, is that I draw up these elaborate plans and then don't follow through with them. Something I'm trying to work on... so, I am going to write everything here for accountability, and then maybe I'll actually stick with the plan. :) But planning a lot of different things for 4 different kids was A LOT of work!! It's pretty much taken me all summer. Charlotte Mason also did short days so that kids had plenty of free time to play outside and get into trouble discover. I'm afraid our days are quite long, but I couldn't find a way to get around it. There's 4 different grades and only 1 teacher! I did the best I could, and we'll see how it works out. Sometimes things look great on paper, but not so great in reality. Only time will tell. :) Here's the plan:

Mondays: Co-op (Memory Work, Art, Music, Earth Science, Medieval History, and Religion)

7:30- Morning Chores
             ~ Eat, Make bed, get dressed, brush hair/teeth, clean kitchen
8:30- Circle Time
             ~ Prayer, Memory Work, States & Capitals, Catechism, and Bible Study, Multiplication Facts
10:00- Break/Snack
10:15- Main Lessons
11:40- P.E. (Outside, weather permitting)
12:10- Lunch
12:30- Main Lessons cont.
1:30- Music Time for young kids (lead by Rose), Guitar practice for John
2:00- The Arts (different creative projects each day)
3:00- Afternoon chores
4:00- Free playtime!
5:30- Dinner

7:30- Morning Chores
8:30- Morning Prayer
8:45- Shakespeare
9:15- American History
10:00- Snack and Story time (Classic Literature)
10:30- Nature Study (backyard, and at least once a month to Skyline Drive)
12:10- Picnic lunch outside
1:00- Picture Study
1:10- Composer Study and Quiet Play
2:00- Math Fun (stories and games)
3:00- Afternoon Chores
4:00- Free playtime!
5:30- Dinner

Are you exhausted just from looking at all that? Or maybe that's just me. ;) It's going to be a lot of work, but so worth it. We're going to learn so much. I say "we" because I learn just as much as they do. I just shared this with the kids and they think it's "awesome"! Let's hope they keep that enthusiasm.

*These are pictures from our 2012-2013 school year. :)

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