Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First Confession

Little miss Chatterbox received her first confession on March 12, 2011! (The 11th Anniversary of when Mike first asked me out!) She did her examination of conscience the night before and had everything written down "in case I forget!" and practiced saying her Act of Contrition. We said a prayer and went over the Bible lessons we've been working on such as the Prodigal Son, the Lost Sheep, the Lost Coin and the Vine and the Branches. We both felt really good and prepared. When she woke up in the morning she was really nervous but we went to Mass, and she prayed the Rosary at her Junior Legion of Mary meeting and Father Fasano talked to all the children before confessions began. I think this all helped to calm her nerves because when the time came she was more excited than nervous. (But she did whisper to me that she wanted to be last in line!) Her cousin, L, was there too andI'm sure that helped as well. L also went first. ;) Chatterbox walked in, looking confident. I felt like she had been in there longer than the others but I'm sure it was just my nerves that made the minutes seem to go by so slow. When she finally came out, she had the biggest, happy-go-lucky smile I had ever seen and she had a hop in her step as she walked up to the altar to say her prayer for penance (which was an Our Father). It was the sweetest thing! Doph and I were sitting together and we both looked at each other and laughed. Mike went up there too and prayed with her. L went back up too to say some more prayers. First Confession was success!

Afterwards, Doph, L, and V came over for Ice Cream Sundaes to celebrate and then the girls made remembrance banners. It was a beautiful, bright, sunny day too so they got to play outside to their bright, sunny hearts content!

1 comment:

  1. How awesome! Way to go Ms. Chatterbox! I knew she would have no problem. ;) Love the banners. She looks so happy. :)
