Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Our 2nd First Day of School for 2013-2014

Today was our second first day. Our first 1st day was almost a month ago. It was the day we were suppose to start, but I wasn't ready. We started anyway. It didn't go very well. So I decided we would wait a week so that I could finish up our plans and start things right. But then Grandpa Skube died, and then it was time for the beach. So, I'm claiming today as our official First Day of School. :)
As you can see, school happens all around the house. Our basement is our "school room", but we move accordingly. Overall, I would say it was a successful start to our year. We didn't get to everything I had planned because there were many, many, many interruptions.  It took the kids a long time to settle down, but I expected that. Hopefully after a few days they will get back into the rhythm of school. But we still covered a lot! I think the kids enjoyed themselves. Summer was nice while it lasted, but I believe we're all ready to get back into a routine.

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