I do not sew. I would like to but I'm no good at it. But that doesn't mean you stop trying, right? I first became attracted to sewing in highschool when I could picture clothes in my head that I wanted but couldn't find them anywhere in the stores. So, I thought, "Why not make them?" After realizing how expensive sewing machines were, that thought was put on hold. Until one day when Rock bought me one as a surprise! (I think I was 17 then). That's when my sewing adventures began and I realized I'm no good at sewing and that it's much easier to just buy your clothes in the store even if they're not what you had in mind! I still have the same sewing machine Rock got for me and use it about once a year. I get that once a year itch to sew. Maybe twice a year. It's all because of that "idea in my head, can't find it anywhere" process. Last year I made a blue and brown baby blanket for the newest member of the family. Our nephew, Bashie. It was fun and surprisingly turned out pretty good. If something I sew looks right, it's pure accident. You see, I don't have enough patience or time to read patterns and really make a plan. I just kinda go for it. So, what's my sewing project for this year?? Curtains for Chatterbox! And maybe a blanket and some pillows and a head board... I don't want to get ahead of myself, but the ideas are there! I have been wanting to decorate her room in pink and yellow roses for a very long time. But she has the bigger of the two kids rooms and since there are 2 boys and only one girl, we are waiting to see what the next baby is before we paint any walls. But that could be a long time away since the next baby hasn't even been conceived yet. But just because we can't paint, doesn't mean we can't make curtains which can be moved later if need be. I pictured a quilt looking blanket with different fabrics in shades of pink and yellow with antique looking roses and matching curtains. But again, I could not find this anywhere. Not even on the internet. Which is why I'm going to try and make them. So, Chatterbox and I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics while we were visiting Grammy and Grandpa on Tuesday. Oh, they have SO many beautiful fabrics there! It was very hard to decide what to buy. Which is why I left with 6 different fabrics. Rock wasn't too pleased with the amount of money I spent. ($45) But I promise to put them to good use! Atleast they were having a 40% off sale. Otherwise, I'd really be in trouble. Okay, ready to see them? Here they are:

My absolute favorite is the pale yellow fabric with pink and yellow roses. It's exactly what I pictured in my head and apparently it's exactly what Chatterbox pictured too because when I found it I said, "Chatterbox! Look!" And she squealed with excitement saying, "Oooo! It's perfect, Mom! I love it!" There may be a lot of things we disagree on (what she should and shouldn't eat, what time she should go to bed, how long her bath times are, etc.) but when it comes to decorating we're right on. Especially if the decorating involves the color pink and roses.
I also love the butterfly print. It was the first fabric I saw and I was drawn to it right away. I was going to put it back because it wasn't part of the original plan. But what goes better with roses than butterflies? And maybe now we'll add blue as our accent color.

The rose print was going to be my main fabric for the curtains but they were just short of 4 yards and I needed much more than that. Okay... to be honest, I had no idea how much I needed! I'm very bad at math and I don't know how to figure out the square root of this and that and then convert it to yards. It's way above my head. I guess I could have asked Rock to figure it out for me because he does that kind of stuff at work. But I didn't. So I will work with what I got. It's all part of the fun. Anyway, I just bought all that was left of the rose fabric. But after bringing it home I could see that it's definitely not enough to make four panels. So I'm thinking of pairing it with the light pink fabric that has white polka dots and trimming the bottom with the pin striped fabric with little rose buds.

I don't have an exact plan yet, but I'm working on it. Okay, that will be the first project. We'll see how it goes. I'll have to ask St. Anne (the patroness of seamstresses) to pray for me!
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